MEFO-BOX – Adjustable lid
Depending on the fill level of the MEFO-BOX, you can use the adjustable lid slots in the wire grating of the side walls. It prevents parts from floating to the surface or falling out when the MEFO-BOX is immersed or rotated.
The adjustable lid is available in the following designs:
- Standard model with mesh width 6 mm or 12 mm
- Model for heavy loads with mesh width 12 mm
Standard version with mesh width 6 mm or 12 mm
Version for heavy loads with mesh width 12 mm
Clamping lid
The clamping lid can be used to fix individual parts and bulk materials according to the fill level in MEFO-BOXes of all series with mesh size 12 mm. Individual parts are first covered with an inserting bottom (modified with pressure rods), bulk material baskets can be closed directly with the clamping lid for up to two baskets per base area. With more than two baskets per base area, an additional inserting bottom (modified with pressure rods) must be used to distribute the clamping force of the rollers evenly over all bulk material baskets. The cleaning components can be clamped quickly and easily by means of two dead center tilt levers. The maximum load capacity of the clamping lid is 80 kg. The clamping lid requires a height of 74 mm in the MEFO-BOX.
Supporting lid
Compartment rod
With the help of the compartment rods, you can quickly and easily set up compartments in the MEFO-BOX that are adapted to the size and geometry of your components. This is usually necessary when cleaning parts with special geometries in small quantities. The use of inserting bottoms as well as adjustable and clamping lids is also possible. Compartment rods are available for all MEFO BOXes with mesh with 12 mm in three versions*:
- with compression spring (Part no. MF4 … D-E)
- with cotter pin (Part no. MF4 … S-E)
- with nut (Part no. MF4 … M-E)
If required, the compartment rods can be covered with Teflon tubes or coated.
*When ordering, please specify the required version (e.g. MF4041D-E).

Bulk material basket
The bulk material baskets allow you to clean and transport small and tiny parts particularly economically. The baskets are available in full, half, quarter and eighth-size (based on the base area of the corresponding MEFO-BOX) in mesh width of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 mm. For special applications, various bulk material baskets are also available in mesh widths 0.5 and 0.3 mm. The wide range of bulk material baskets allows you to combine a wide variety of small parts in a MEFO-BOX in a mix-proof manner and clean them cost-effectively as one batch.
The bulk material baskets are inserted into the respective MEFO-BOX with a mesh size of 12 mm and securely closed with the matching clamping lid. A minimum height of 74 mm is required for the clamping lid. This reduces the usable height of the MEFO-BOX accordingly. Please take this into account when making your selection. If there are more than two bulk material baskets per base area of the MEFO-BOX, an additional inserting bottom (modified with pressure rods) must be used in addition to the clamping lid. All eighth-size baskets are equipped with Camloc latches. Instead of the clamping lid, an adjustable lid can be used here for locking the MEFO-BOX.

Adapter frame
With the help of the adapter frame, you can adapt several MEFO-BOXes, even of different sizes, to the optimum batch dimensions and thus make the best possible use of your cleaning machine. In the Standard series, the adapter frame increases the batch to the size of the MEFO-BOX MF4015/… (521 x 321 x 250 mm), the MEFO-BOX MF4006/… (651 x 471 x 300 mm) or the MEFO-BOX MF4011/…. (651 x 471 x 400 mm). MEFO-BOXes of the Euro series in different sizes are each adapted by the adapter frame to the outside dimension 626 x 408 x 300 mm, which almost corresponds to the external dimension of the MEFO-BOX MF4108/… (608 x 408 x 300 mm). Thus, the maximum dimension of the charge at the stacking frame is 626 mm.
Washing rack
The washing rack can accommodate several bulk material baskets. The washing racks … / WG-1 each have two perforated strips on the short sides and can be locked either with a adjustable or clamping lid, depending on the load. The … / WG-2 washing racks, each with two perforated strips on the short sides and four perforated strips on the long sides, can be locked either with a large adjustable or clamping lid or with two small adjustable or clamping lids. This allows two stacks of bulk material baskets of different heights to be securely fixed.
The washing racks can be stacked mixed with MEFO BOXes of the same size.